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Take the first step towards happiness: Walking for mental health and therapy.

It is a popular belief that exercising is one of the greatest pillars towards a healthier being, be it mental or physical. However, exercising doesn't have to be a tiring or tedious task where you got to lift more than 100 pounds of weight to go to the gym. Can you imagine exercising can be as simple as taking a walk from work and back home or a walk from home to your favorite grocery store and back?

You can even believe that it is scientifically advised more than weights or gym. Multiple scientific pieces of research have found out that making a stroll or simple walk part of your daily routine, just like brushing your teeth parse, can give you a huge boost when it comes to your general well-being. Some of these researches emphasize that walking around sceneries such as nature parks and calming surroundings like the beach can be a great deal when it comes to combating mental health.

Taking as little are one hour within the day to walk can be your first step towards happiness. And who does not love the feeling of joy and fulfillment? The benefits of walking and healthy walking for that matter are enormous.

Walking does not require expertise: it is for everyone

Propel your self-esteem by walking

Most exercising routines, take Cardio or Zumba as an example, require a lot of prowess, but walking is as simple as the nursery class's ABCs. Exercising can increase your self-esteem, confidence, and vigor. With great exercises, you have that feeling of wanting to become a better your, the feeling of a hopeful and healthier future.

Several Organizations such as, Mind, a non-profit organization based in the United Kingdom, have made it their key process to give advanced guidance and support to those who are going through mental health. They even urge people that one key control of mental health is exercising. With this individuals can reduce the stress and anxieties that they may be facing. They believe that exercising will give you a sense of fulfillment meaning you as an individual will be calmer, with higher confidence and self-esteem, and above all that you will be happier.

Walking is as effective as other forms of exercise such as running. You will be able to get the same physical effect from the two. John Ford, a certified exercise physiologist stated that walking is one of the best forms of exercise and can be of great help when you are in the process of weight loss or wanting to be more physically fit. There is no need to view walking as a lesser of all the physical exercising activities.

For you to make walking more effective and get the best out of it. You will need a proper routine filled with discipline and character. With this in mind, you are one step towards better mental and physical health as all those individuals who take part in vigorous exercising activities.

Propel your self-esteem

A study by a Professor of Psychology from Southern California indicated the more the steps your take every day is directly proportional to how your mood will be. The more the steps the better your mood.

This study took into account 37 individuals who were provided with a pedometer and were requested to record their levels of happiness, overall well-being, and stress levels at the end of every day over 20 days. They would also record these against the number of steps they took as per the recordings of the pedometer.

One of the lead professors involved in the study, Professor Robert Thayer, indicated that there was a strong relation better the steps each participant of the study took to their recorded level of happiness of mood.

During the study, it was also noted that the more steps an individual too the healthier their eating habits. Meaning, walking has got some benefits far from just mere physical well-being. The study found that the urge to consume unhealthy meals diminishes even if it was not an intentional dietary need or routine they wanted to pursue. Walking in itself will help improve your metabolism, self-discipline, and most of the acts of restraint.

Step for depression therapy

Walking does not require expertise: it is for everyone

Today's depression has risen to be not just a personal concern but a societal concern. Depression affects society as a whole. Individuals always have a rise in the feeling of insecurity accompanied by uncontrollable anxiety. On top of that, there is always the loss of self-worth with tends to make one feel less motivated and each activity in life tends to be an uphill task.

CDC conducted a survey in 2015 that found that about ten percent of the US population suffers from any form of depression. This has led to the government and other non-governmental organizations calling for a need for better and improve mental health care - from handling mental health patients to preventing any future mental health cases.

Several scientific studies have shown that walking can be a step towards mental health prevention and therapy. A good example is in Australia where studies have indicated that walking for at least two hundred minutes every week has improved the mental health and quality of life of women experiencing depression.

The value of the outdoors

Scientific studies have evaluated that being outdoors in nature can help improve your mood and give you a sense of mental fulfillment. Simple care for anxiety. It is also believed that those who stay in urban areas tend to suffer more from either anxiety or depression as compared to those who live in rural areas.

The study is based on the fact that city dwellers have little to no access to natural or green sceneries. The lack of such natural therapy makes these individuals prone to mental illness. One graduate student from the EIPER department at Stanford University, Gregory Bratman, came up with an experiment aimed at studying how the green environment affects an individual's mood.

In his experiment, Bratman was interested in recording his participant's moods and together will their blood flow into the brain - especially the prefrontal cortex, usually linked with overthinking and unhealthy behavior. These recordings were made on the 38 participants before and after they went for a ninety minutes walk. Half of the group walked in campus park - in Stanford University and the other walk along the highway filled with loud cars and busy streets.

The recordings shoes that the ones who walked on campus were less stressed and had less blood flow into their brain a representation of relaxation and a peaceful state of mind, The others who walked along the highway were more stressed than they were before the experiment.

Start your walking routine straightway

They say the best way to begin something is to begin it. Start your walking routine straightway. Get yourself those shoes or sneakers that are best for your feet and start walking. Find a park, a natural setting with a long path where you can walk peacefully. Just do it, you will not regret it.