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Common running injuries and pains and their remedies.

For several years running has remained to be one of the most popular sporting and fitness activities. Most people participate in running as a sport or as a fitness activity as it comes with several benefits to your body.

A vigorous and coordinated run helps in burning calories within a very short time. Running also improves your cardiovascular system. Meaning you will have better blood flow reducing cases of blood pressure.

But, no matter how fun running is, it comes with some danger. At one point in time, you will have common running foot injuries. An experience that both pro athletes and casual runners are well aware of. Some of the causes of foot injuries from running are; running on irregular terrains, improper workout approaches, and overworking legs muscles

Common running injuries and how to prevent running injuries.

Common running injuries and how to prevent running injuries.

1. Muscle strain/Pulled muscle.

A muscle strain may occur in two ways 1. when you run for long periods without breaks and 2. when you come back to your running routine after a long break without any exercise. Your leg muscles tend to be overworked causing strain or a tear on these said muscles.

Muscle tear may not only damage the muscles but damage certain blood vessels as well. Muscle strain usually occurs a the back of your thigh area or leg. Symptoms are usually sharp pains mostly when you are resting or sleeping and your muscle is relaxed.

The common treatment of such an injury is the RICE technique - Rest, Ice, Compress and Elevate. You can also get yourself some pain-relieving medication and muscle relaxers like Deep Heat. In case of persistent or extreme pain then you would need to see a physician.

2. Shin Splints

Shin Splints can be experienced by those people who have just taken part in vigorous workout activities or changed their workout routines. As such, the leg muscles and tend to be overworked and overwhelmed causing sharp pains around the knee and ankle regions of the legs.

Most occurrences Shin Splints can be treated at home by simply resting and icing the injured region. However, you are advised to take anti-inflammatory pain relievers if need be. For extreme cases, we advise you to visit your physician.

3. Chondromalacia patellae - formally know as runner's knee

Most enthusiastic and vigorous runners will experience this injury at a certain point in time. But do not be mistaken that you who do light ring cannot experience it too. Anyone who uses their feet very often like dancers, skateboarders, and bikers can experience it. Mostly cost by the overworking of the foot muscles which intern induces stress and trauma to the knees.

It can also be caused by weak leg muscles leading to an imbalance of legs hence too much weight is applied to the needed muscles. This will slowly waken the knee area hence leading to injury,

One major symptom of a runner's knee is sharp knee pains. You might experience them when you are walking even if you are not applying too much weight to your legs.

This injury can be treated using the RICE - Rest, Ice, Compress and Elevate. In case of any escalated pains you will need to see a physician.

4. Achilles Tendinitis

Achilles Tendinitis is one of the most common running injuries. Usually, the Achilles tendon is that muscle at the back of your leg attaching your heel to your calf. Scientists and Physical trainers believe that is kind of running injury occur when you overwork your muscles.

A good scenario is when you increase the duration and intensity of your workout routine or when you decide to run a full marathon. Such activities will increase pressure on your leg muscle leading to pain.

However, this pain is usually mild at first but will increase in intensity over time. You will tend to experience sharp pains around your heal whenever you run.

Resting, pain medication and coordinated stretching of your foot muscles are the best ways to combat mild cases of Achilles Tendinitis. However, if the pain persists you would need to see a physician.